AWS Glue job can't convert number to double


Hi all, I have problem converting json number values to double in aws glue, if I specify 'double' in column mappings in aws glue job and input is json number format that is being read from s3 bucket. Job is writting all nulls in redshift, can someone help on this matter?

Thank you

asked 2 years ago1322 views
1 Answer


I understand when you convert number to double in applymapping it is writing null values to Redshift. To confirm the above behaviour I have tested with a sample json file and converted one number column to double in applymapping and it has successfully converted to double.

I would suggest before and after applymapping transformation, Please check your schema and data to confirm if you are getting correct data and schema or not. Also if you are writing to an existing Redshift table verify the schema at Redshift end as well.







To find out the exact issue, we require your sample data and script. Hence Please feel free to reach out to AWS Premium Support with sample data and script and we will be happy to help.

answered 2 years ago

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