Not getting logs from Amazon Managed Services for Prometheus workspace in Cloudwatch


I have an Amazon Managed Services for Prometheus (AMP) workspace. I have deployed several Prometheus servers using Fargate/ECS that remote writes to my AMP workspace. Everything seems to work as expected, I can access the Prometheus metrics when connecting the AMP workspace as a datasource to a Grafana instance, etc.

My problem is that I don't get any logs from my AMP workspace in Cloudwatch, even though I have enabled logging. When I navigate to the AMP workspace in Amazon Console, look under the Logs tab, the Log level is "All", Status is "Active" and the CloudWatch log group is "My-AMP-workspace". When I look in Cloudwatch, there are no log streams created for that log group. I have other log groups that receive logs from other services.

My questions are:

  1. Are there any other configs I need to make to enable logs for AMP to Cloudwatch, any pemissions or similar?
  2. What type of logs could I expect from the AMP workspace? I am trying to debug why Grafana threw a DatasourceError for my AMP workspace and would like to see if anything unexpected happened at that time.
  3. How can I test that logs are forwarded to Cloudwatch?
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Kindly check if the Policy is updated with the necessary permission. Please refer:

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago
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reviewed a year ago
  • Thank you for your reply. I had seen this part of the docs, but the problem was that I didn't understand which user or role I should attach that policy to. I just now tried to attach thse permissions to my personal IAM user that I used when setting up the AMP workspace, and since i got a logstream with the message "Permissions are set correctly to allow AWS CloudWatch Logs to write into your logs while creating a subscription." I guess that it worked. However, that means I should have used a generic/non-personal user to create the workspace, not my personal IAM user.


Hi, I tried adding the necessary permission to the account, then creating the log group and enabling logs on the AMP console. But still no luck, I can't see any logs, just the one with the message "Permissions are set correctly to allow AWS CloudWatch Logs to write into your logs while creating a subscription" as mentioned by LilyB. Can you provide more information about it? I think AMP is lacking some documentation in several aspects and there are not much examples of people using it.

answered a year ago

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