How do I implement semantic search with AWS OpenSearch service?


I was trying to follow this tutorial from the OpenSearch documentation: but I am unable to modify the cluster settings with: PUT _cluster/settings { "persistent": { "plugins": { "ml_commons": { "only_run_on_ml_node": "false", "model_access_control_enabled": "true", "native_memory_threshold": "99" } } } }

Instead, I encounter the error: _cluster/settings payload not allowed I have tried advice from this stack overflow post: , particularly

  • upgrading my instance to
  • enabling FGAC and mapping my main user (internal user database) to ml_full_access but to no success.
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

I found the solution to the 'not allowed' error: you must format the request to the configurations API like so:

PUT /_cluster/settings { "persistent":{ "plugins.ml_commons.only_run_on_ml_node": false, "plugins.ml_commons.model_access_control_enabled": "true", "plugins.ml_commons.native_memory_threshold": "99" } }

I had to dig into this lab to find this solution: . This must be the 'API differences' described in this page: but I feel that it's difficult to determine how to follow this convention. The error message being 'payload not allowed' does not help either. It would great if the documentation was updated to be clearer about this!

answered a year ago
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reviewed 7 months ago

Dear customer,

I understood that there was a problem while updating cluster setting. If my understand is incorrect, please let me know that.

Below is the result of internally testing to reproduce your problem.


PUT /_cluster/settings { "persistent": { "plugins": { "ml_commons": { "only_run_on_ml_node": "false", "model_access_control_enabled": "true", "native_memory_threshold": "99" } } } }

Output: { "Message": "Your request: '/_cluster/settings' payload is not allowed." } ============================================================= Generally, the "ml_commons" plugin is supported by the AWS Opensearch service.

[+] Plugins by engine version in Amazon OpenSearch Service

However, AWS Opensearch is a managed service, and on the user side, only certain API tasks are supported by AWS Opensearch. Information on specific API operations in the supported Opensearch can be found through the link below.

[+] Supported operations in Amazon OpenSearch Service

Therefore, you need to request the internal AWS Opensearch team to change that information. Please refer to the link below and create a technical support case and request it.

[+] Creating a support case

I hope this information has been helpful. If there is anything I have missed or if there is anything else we can assist, please feel free to let us know and we'll be more than happy to help.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for the response! Making a request to the AWS team every time I wish to change the cluster settings does not seem like a viable long-term solution.

    What is the 'best practice' for implementing semantic search within an managed OpenSearch node or cluster?

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