Issue Sharing State Across Agents in Amazon Bedrock



I am experiencing an issue with sharing state across multiple agents in Amazon Bedrock. My setup includes one supervisor agent and several non-supervisor agents. I need to share a CSV between them, but I'm encountering the following problems:

  1. When using sessionAttributes, no agent receives the shared data.
  2. When using promptSessionAttributes, only the supervisor agent receives the csv, despite all agents having $prompt_session_attributes$ in their orchestration strategy.

Expected behavior: All agents should be able to access the shared state.

Could you clarify the correct approach for sharing state across agents in this setup? Are there any additional configurations required to ensure all agents receive the shared attributes?


asked 14 days ago67 views
1 Answer

Thank you for your question about sharing state across multiple agents in Amazon Bedrock. I understand you're having difficulties sharing a CSV file between a supervisor agent and several non-supervisor agents. Let me clarify the correct approach and provide some insights on how to address this issue.

First, it's important to note that sharing state across multiple agents in Amazon Bedrock can be complex, especially when dealing with different types of agents (supervisor and non-supervisor).

Regarding your specific issues:

  1. SessionAttributes: These are designed to persist over a session between a user and an agent. They should work for maintaining state within a single agent's conversation, but they may not be automatically shared across multiple agents.

  2. PromptSessionAttributes: These are intended to persist for a single turn (one InvokeAgent call) and are typically used within the context of a single agent's processing.

To effectively share state across multiple agents, including a CSV file, you might need to consider the following approach:

  1. Use the supervisor agent as the central point for managing shared state. The supervisor agent can hold the CSV data and other shared information.

  2. When the supervisor agent delegates tasks to collaborator agents, it should explicitly pass the necessary data (including relevant parts of the CSV) to each collaborator agent.

  3. For passing data between agents, you can use the conversationHistory field. This is specifically designed for multi-agent collaboration and allows for sharing additional context when invoking collaborator agents.

  4. In your agent configurations, ensure that conversationalHistorySharing is enabled for each collaborator agent. This allows them to receive the context passed by the supervisor agent.

  5. When invoking collaborator agents, the supervisor should include the necessary data (e.g., CSV content or relevant extracted information) in the conversationHistory field of the request.

  6. Each collaborator agent should be designed to extract and use the shared data from the conversationHistory in its processing.

  7. If you need to update the shared state based on collaborator agents' outputs, have them return the updated information to the supervisor agent, which can then manage and redistribute the updated state as needed.

Remember that the exact implementation may depend on the specific requirements of your use case and the structure of your CSV data. You might need to process or segment the CSV data appropriately before sharing it between agents.

Additionally, ensure that your agents' roles and responsibilities are clearly defined in their configuration, particularly in the collaborator instructions for each agent. This helps the supervisor agent understand how to delegate tasks and share relevant information effectively.

If you're still experiencing issues after implementing these suggestions, you may want to review your agent configurations, particularly the orchestration base prompt templates, to ensure they're set up correctly to handle the shared state.

Lastly, as Amazon Bedrock and its multi-agent collaboration features are relatively new and evolving, it's always a good idea to check the latest documentation or reach out to AWS support for the most up-to-date best practices and potential limitations in state sharing across agents.

Control agent session context - Amazon Bedrock
Use multi-agent collaboration with Amazon Bedrock Agents - Amazon Bedrock

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answered 14 days ago
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reviewed 13 days ago
  • Thanks for your detailed response! I appreciate the insights.

    When you mentioned, "When invoking collaborator agents, the supervisor should include the necessary data (e.g., CSV content or relevant extracted information) in the conversationHistory field of the request," what exactly does this mean in practice?

    Does the supervisor agent inherently understand what conversationHistory is? If not, how should I explicitly instruct the supervisor to pass conversationHistory when delegating tasks to collaborator agents?

    Any guidance on where and how to configure this in the agent's instructions or orchestration strategy would be very helpful.

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