Shutting down apache server when creating instance using lightsail service

  • If with only OS, getting error as caught SIGWINCH, shutting down gracefully
  • If with OS + LAMP getting error as caught SIGTERM, shutting down
  • Kindly someone help on this. Appreciate your help

asked a year ago220 views
1 Answer


Please update your post with more information to be able to help.

Are these instances created from snapshots of instances ?

Is there perhaps more information in the logs that can point to cause of the sigterm/sigwinch ?

Also, what is the end issue you are observing. For example, is your web application not coming up after ? Because apache restarts during instance initialization can be part of regular application initialization and may not indicate any issues.

Lastly a broader search on apache sigterm lamp brings up several public search results which may help you find some relevant information to your specific application setup.


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answered a year ago
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reviewed 8 months ago

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