Can not call HTTP API with Custom domain which provided by Google Domain


I'm going to connect HTTP API to my domain and use it. My domain is ***.art and I'm using it from Google. First, I connected CNAME to connect to AWS Amplify.

Below is a captured copy of the Admin tab for the Amplify domain and the DNS settings status for the Google domain. Enter image description here Enter image description here

Subsequently, we created an HTTP API and verified calls through that URL.Enter image description here

The path and CORS settings of the API are shown in the screenshot below. Enter image description hereEnter image description here

And the settings for the custom domain are as follows. Enter image description here Enter image description here

Finally, the certificate and the DNS setting of the Google domain to which it was applied are as follows. Enter image description here Enter image description here

I would appreciate it if you could tell me which part went wrong.

The following is an error response when Chrome accessed the HTTP API address through my custom domain. Enter image description here Enter image description here

1 Answer


I strongly recommend using Route 53 as your DNS service, as it would allow for the best compatibility with Amplify and other AWS services. However, if you with to keep using Google Domains, you will need to add a subdomain forward in Google Domains, as per this guide:

It appears you have not set up this subdomain forward in Google Domains. You will need to do so in order to get it to work with your current project.

If you need further support, don't hesitate to create a ticket with AWS Technical Support and give further details on what your problem is.

Hope this helps!

answered 2 years ago

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