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Most visuals in Cloud Intelligence Dashboards read "No Data"


Most, say 95%, of the visuals in the imported CID dashboard indicate "No Data". The data preview via the summary_view Data Set looks correct, but and verified that if I create a new Analysis with a similar visuals, the datasets return the correct data.

The imported dashboard are pretty complex and I'm having a difficult time trying to figure out why the visuals say No Data. Even a simple query like S3 storage spend comes back as No Data.

Any hints on how to debug this? I've shared the Dashboard, created a copy, and started looking through the copy, but I still can't seem to get a basic visual created from data from the summary_view Data Set.

Edit: I've imported the dashboard with terraform aws_quicksight_dashboard using arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:223485597511:template/Cost_Intelligence_Dashboard (v9) and tried arn:aws:quicksight:us-east-1:223485597511:template/Cost_Intelligence_Dashboard/version/8 as well.

Edit: It appears to be something with the billing_period filters. If I start removing those, data shows up.

  • Can you share how you deployed the dashboards (CloudFormation, CLI tool, etc.) and what version you deployed?

asked a year ago592 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

At the end I realized that I didn't have all the CUR data into the s3 bucket based on an expiration rule that caused objects to be deleted. Once I restored those and rebuilt the datasets, everything was successful.

answered a year ago

Your observation is correct. By default, CID dashboard shows data for past few months. As long as your underlying Cost and Usage Report has data and your datasets are refreshed, you can adjust the months by using the 'billing_period' filter, and this can resolve the "No Data" issue.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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