S3 Express One Zone - how to get a permmition to display the images on my website


Hi (:

There is probably something I miss out on because all I want to do is simply use S3 Express One zone storage to store my website assets files.

I followed the tutorial, created the bucket, and uploaded the files. Now, I have a big question: How do I display the files on my website? I've tried using the URLs of the images, but I keep getting an "Access Denied" error. What am I missing? I've searched the web for answers but still have no clue..

asked 11 days ago26 views
1 Answer

To display images from your S3 Express One Zone bucket on your website, you'll need to configure the appropriate permissions. Here are the steps you should follow:

  1. Disable Block Public Access settings for your bucket. This can be done at both the account level and the bucket level. You'll need to uncheck all four options in the "Block public access" settings.

  2. Update your bucket policy to allow public read access. You can do this by adding a policy that grants public read access to your objects. Here's an example policy you could use:

{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Sid": "PublicReadGetObject", "Effect": "Allow", "Principal": "", "Action": [ "s3:GetObject" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:s3:::Your-Bucket-Name/" ] } ] }

Replace "Your-Bucket-Name" with your actual bucket name.

  1. Ensure that the objects themselves allow public read access. You can do this by selecting your files, clicking "Actions," and choosing "Make public using ACL."

  2. If your bucket is configured for static website hosting, make sure it's properly set up in the "Properties" tab under "Static website hosting."

It's important to note that making your S3 bucket public has security implications. Only do this if you intend for the content to be publicly accessible. For more secure options, consider using Amazon CloudFront with your S3 bucket or implementing more granular access controls.

If you're still encountering issues after following these steps, double-check that your IAM user or role has the necessary permissions, including s3:GetObject and s3:ListBucket actions for the specific bucket and objects.

Remember, by default, new S3 buckets and objects are set to block public access for security reasons. You're explicitly overriding these safeguards, so make sure this aligns with your intended use case.
How do I obtain a public access link for my S3 bucket resource? | AWS re:Post
S3 AWS doesn't show my image, but I am able to download it | AWS re:Post

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answered 11 days ago
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reviewed 11 days ago
  • This will work for regulars bucket - but for S3 Express One Zone this permission is not supported and public access is blocked and can't be edited!! There is no any proper documentation that explain who to connect they all finished in upload files - and get along some how

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