Does the Data sync migration tool or any other AWS migration tool maintain file permission when syncing from on-premise server to FSX file system


My client is working with a hosting company to migrate file shares from their on-premise servers to AWS FSX file system. I am not sure what tool is being used for the sync. The question or concern relates to keeping file and folder permissions for the source system to the FSX system. The data seems to be migrating just fine. They are seeing some inconsistencies in the file and folder permissions between the source system and the FSX file system. Should my client expect that the migration should keep permissions in place or will there need to be some script that has to run periodically to keep permissions in sync until they fully cut over to the AWS FSX file system? The hosting service recommended that they change the ownership of the high level folders on the on-premises system to Domain Admin. The client has concerns about this having a negative impact on the exiting permissions on the source system.

asked a year ago353 views
1 Answer


Yes DataSync can transfer your file system data and metadata, such as ownership, timestamps, and access permissions.

DataSync supports copying NTFS access control lists (ACLs), and also supports copying file audit control information, also known as NTFS system access control lists (SACLs), which are used by administrators to control audit logging of user attempts to access files.

If you are using DataSync there should be no need for utilizing a script as Datasync will copy the permissions as well. Please review additional information and faqs for Datasync here:

Thank you

H Singh
answered 10 months ago

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