AWS Glue DataBrew


Hello All , I am trying to clean up my dataset see below Dataset.

I want to remove the first row since the name is invalid and want to add it to a separate document for review later. Is this possible? Any other solutions are welcome too

asked 8 months ago219 views
1 Answer

Yes, it is possible to remove the first row from your dataset and save it to a separate location using AWS DataBrew. You can achieve this by using the "Drop Rows" transformation in AWS DataBrew.

Follow these steps: Create a DataBrew project and upload your dataset. Create a new recipe and add the "Drop Rows" transformation. Configure the "Drop Rows" transformation to drop the first row (e.g., using the row index condition where index = 0). Add an "Output" step to save the dataset without the first row. Add another "Output" step and configure it to save the dropped row (first row) as a separate file. Run the recipe. For more information, refer to the AWS DataBrew documentation.

answered 5 months ago

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