DMS replication task reducing the free storage in rds postgres .



I have a dms replication task to replicate tables from one rds postgres instance to another. I have created a scheduler to run the replication task for every 6 hour and stop after 30 mins. At the time of stopped state the free disk space in rds is drastically decreasing (in 1 hr 12 GB to 6) . I have set logical_replication =1 for source rds instance. Please help to understand why this much storage is utilized for logging? Is there a way to limit this usage ?

asked 16 days ago38 views
1 Answer


The volume of disk is related to the size of the update log, corresponding to the activity on your database.

So, you should first measure the size of update log on your to pg to evaluate if the disk space is in proper relation with it or not. Such a request should give you the size of all logs:

SELECT sum(stat.size)
FROM pg_ls_dir(current_setting('log_directory')) AS logs
      pg_stat_file(current_setting('log_directory') || '/' || logs) AS stat;

Note: is there a reason why DMS replication isn't permanently on? That would reduce its disk storage on source machine drastically.



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answered 16 days ago

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