You cannot list your Reserved because you have not paid for it yet.


I just split a 3x c5d.4xlarge Reserved Instance into one of 24x c5d.large Reserved Instances.

I've been trying to sell the c5d.4xlarge one for over a month without success, so I thought I'd try selling them as large instead.

Now when I go to sell the RI I get this error message, which is odd because these are 'No Upfront' and therefore never required payment:

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Any ideas how I can resolve this error?

asked 6 months ago242 views
1 Answer

The reason you are receiving the above error when attempting to list your RIs on the RI Marketplace is that your RIs do not meet all requirements of RI resale.

In order to resell an RI on the RI Marketplace, your RI must have its subscription charge paid in full, be more than a month old, have more than a month remaining on its term.

Guidelines for selling RIs on the RI Marketplace can be found here:

More details on how to modify your RIs can be found in AWS Documentation here:

Please open a support case with marketplace team for more details.

answered 4 months ago

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