Why my website public IP Is accessible to Public with Unsecured SSL


Hi there,

Firstly, I just seen my website can access through this Public IP without SSL. I don't want to make my website accessible through Public IP by all mean my website must be secure.

Secondly, How Would I add setup in WordPress SMTP to receive and sent Emails to my client. like I'm using Contact form 7 to get client quotes. but I don't know how to configure SMTP in WordPress as I already created Amazon Work Email account .

Third, Since I created Amazon work email account I am only able to sent email rather not able to receive email why ???????/

Answers the questions accordingly,I have 3 questions as I mentioned above

1 Answer

SSL - this depends on whether you're running WordPress on EC2 or Lightsail.

The method for EC2 is at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AWSEC2/latest/UserGuide/SSL-on-amazon-linux-2.html

On Lightsail you can use Bitnami's bncert https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/amazon-lightsail-enabling-https-on-wordpress

Alternatively, the steps to use Letsencrypt with WordPress on Lightsail are https://lightsail.aws.amazon.com/ls/docs/en_us/articles/amazon-lightsail-using-lets-encrypt-certificates-with-wordpress

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answered 2 years ago
  • Domain has SSSL but when it comes to Public IP why would my website accessible through Public IP.

    I don't want to Public IP accessible, However, website only accessible through domain name.

    Also when I access through public ip website shows without SSL

    Have you understood my point?

  • Your website is available without SSL because the webserver is listening on an insecure port (almost certainly HTTP on port 80) and the security group is allowing inbound connections on that port.

    You could stop the webserver listening on port 80, or you could close inbound port 80 in the security group, or you could redirect 80 (HTTP) to 443 (HTTPS).

  • how to do that in amazon light sail ? list down steps

    Your website is available without SSL because the webserver is listening on an insecure port (almost certainly HTTP on port 80) and the security group is allowing inbound connections on that port. You could stop the webserver listening on port 80, or you could close inbound port 80 in the security group, or you could redirect 80 (HTTP) to 443 (HTTPS).

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