EKS GUI create node pool all the time failed after 30 min


I try to create Kubernetes cluster and all the time it failed with error

asked 2 years ago336 views
2 Answers


Thanks for your query. I understand that there are two statements, one is you are not able to create the node group and second being, you are not able to create the kubernetes cluster and you are getting some error. Please let me know if my understanding is not apt.

If possible, could you please share the error which you are getting and to answer your question, we might require details that are non-public information. I would suggest you to open a support case with AWS using the following link [1].

Have a great day ahead.

Reference Link:

[1]. https://console.aws.amazon.com/support/home#/case/create

answered 2 years ago

Hi this is the error: "Unhealthy nodes in the kubernetes cluster"

answered 2 years ago

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