BUG: NoSQL Workbench on Windows 11 loses status link to DDB Local


I've installed the local database with my NoSQL Workbench. When I first start the database using the DDB Local button on the sidebar, all is good. The database starts properly on port 8000. However if I change something in the Data modeler or if I change the main screen to some other part of Workbench, the DDB local button switches to the off position even though the database is still running (and bound to port 8000). Clicking on the button to start the DDB has the predictable failure result that port 8000 is in use. To shut down the database, therefore, I have to either shutdown my computer or locate the JAVA instance running the database and End it. There's an obvious danger here that if I get the JAVA instance wrong, I can damage some other running application by forceably killing it.

asked a year ago371 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer

Thanks for reporting. We will look into the issue, can you provide the version of OS you are using as well as the version of NoSQL Workbench.


After investigating we can assert that the DynamoDB Local button is changing state, however the instance of DynamoDB Local is still actively running. We plan to issue a fix for the button in an upcoming sprint.

Issue resolved from version 3.7.0

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Hi. Thanks for the prompt reponse! OS: Windows 11 Enterprise 22H2 Build 22621.1702 Workbench: 3.6.1

answered a year ago

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