Error when replicating data from a source server on-premises



I am using the AWS DRS service and recently found that the on-premises origin server reports through the agent but does not replicate data. On checking the windows services we found that the AwsReplicationPostConvertService is not allowed to start and fails with error 1067: The process terminated unexpectedly.

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asked a month ago201 views
2 Answers


  1. Uninstall the AWS DRS agent from the on-premises origin server, including all its related folders, drivers and others....
  2. Reboot the server.
  3. Reinstall the AWS DRS agent on the server with administrative permissions.
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answered a month ago

The AwsReplicationPostConvertService isn't responsible for replicating your data. The name refers to "post-conversion" activities that are executed on the replicated server when it's brought online in AWS during disaster recovery. It is never supposed to be started manually, and the failure to start doesn't indicate a problem.

Replication is performed by AWSReplicationService instead. Is it running? Does the source server have tcp/1500 connectivity to the replication instances in AWS?

Leo K
answered a month ago

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