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net.core3.1 layer with amplify


Hello. There are several lambda features on net.core 3.1 without layers. All this business is implemented through amplify cli. At the moment, there is a need to add layers for these lambdas, but amplify only offers python or nodejs. From what I've tried, I've deployed the layer through Amazon.Lambda.Tools, then I inserted the layer explicitly into the cloudformation, spelling out the layer's arn. But this trick attaches a layer to the function, but the size of the lambda does not decrease, that is, it does not work) Question is it possible to add net.core 3.1 layers for lambdas via amplify? Or change the generated cloudformation files to apply layers for lambdas?

1 Answer


I understand that you’re facing an issue since amplify only offers Python or NodeJS layers for lambda and you're unable to add net.core 3.1 layers for lambdas via amplify. Please correct me if my understanding is wrong.

Upon checking, I can see that we can add a specific layer by its ARN through the amplify update function workflow, which will allow the layer to persist across amplify update function executions.


At the moment, the CLI does not currently support this runtime (net.core3.1) for Lambda Layers, I will mark this as a feature request for the team to evaluate further.

I understand that the lack of native feature to achieve your use-case might be causing inconvenience at your end. Therefore, I have shared this as a feedback with our Internal Service Team and filed a feature request with them.

Please be assured that our Service Teams take feedbacks very seriously and work consistently for better customer experience. I won’t be able to provide an ETA regarding its release because of the limited visibility into the progress of internal distributed software development processes. I would suggest keeping an eye on our News page/blog for future announcements:

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answered 2 years ago

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