Oracle RDS Instance Connection Issue


Hello everyone.

I'm new into AWS configuration, and I started an Oracle RDS test instance, and need to access it just only once. In the instance configuration, I turned on "Publicly accessible", but even with this change, I can't access it via SQL Developer running in my machine.

I thought that just changing this setting would fix the access problem, since I read:

"RDS assigns a public IP address to the database. Amazon EC2 instances and other resources outside of the VPC can connect to your database. Resources inside the VPC can also connect to the database. Choose one or more VPC security groups that specify which resources can connect to the database."

But, no lucky so far.

What I done wrong, or, what I didn't done?

Any help would be very appreciate.

asked 9 months ago491 views
1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Does the Oracle RDS instance have a security group that has the correct inbound port open? This is almost certainly TCP port 1521, and should be open for your IP, or wherever you are connecting from (EC2 instance, etc.). It's often best to open this to the world - - while troubleshooting, and you can always tighten it up later.

It would also be worth double-checking that the instance was provisioned in a subnet group comprised of all public subnets - a public subnet is one that is reachable from the internet, i.e. has a route in its route tabe to an internet gateway.

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answered 9 months ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 9 months ago
  • You've hit the nail on the head! That's exactly what was missing. I modified the Security Group and it worked. As it's a temporary and one-off thing, I'll go back to the default settings soon. Thank you!

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