Bucket naming issue using periods/full-stops


I need help setting up a custom domain for Cloudflare CDN that connects to a storage bucket on AWS. To complete the process, the bucket name has to match the domain where its media will be served from. For instance, if I want to serve media from the domain "cdn.example.com" for the site "example.com", then the bucket name must be "cdn.example.com".

However, when I try to name buckets with full stops/periods, it won't allow it.

Any ideas? TIA

asked a year ago243 views
3 Answers

Many thanks for the quick reply. I'm using the web interface in light sail "Storage" / identify your bucket:

Enter image description here

answered a year ago

Could you show or explain how you're trying to create the bucket? Console? CLI? SDK? CDK? I've just created a bucket that is a valid DNS hostname with no issues at the command-line:

aws s3 mb s3://www.domain.com - just an example.

Edit given other detail: You may be running into a limitation of the Lightsail console interface; perhaps use the AWS console directly to configure S3?

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

Hi, thank you for reaching out, Lightsail bucket does not support dns style bucket name, does Cloudflare offer any alternatives to using dns-style bucket names? Amazon S3 do support dns style bucket names, however it is not recommended because with that you can't use virtual-host-style addressing over HTTPS, unless you perform your own certificate validation. For more details, please reference this doc: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonS3/latest/userguide/bucketnamingrules.html

answered a year ago

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