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Pausing and Resuming Pinpoint Journey Based on Connect Contact Flow Concurrency


I've implemented custom logic to determine the concurrency level in a Connect contact flow. Now, depending on this concurrency threshold value, I want to dynamically pause and resume the associated Pinpoint journey. However, I've encountered an issue where, when I pause the journey, it doesn't allow me to resume it for the next 5 minutes.

On the flip side, if I pause and resume the outbound campaign in Connect while the Pinpoint journey is continuously running, I face the challenge of missing endpoints and not receiving calls during the pause period of the outbound campaign.

Could you please provide guidance on how to address this issue? I'm seeking a solution that allows for more flexibility in pausing and resuming the Pinpoint journey and avoiding the missed endpoint scenario during pauses in the outbound campaign.

Your assistance in resolving this matter is highly appreciated.

1 Answer


Thank you for reaching out to AWS Support, to answer your query in short,

  • The five minute wait period to resume the journey is a configuration that cannot be changed at this time.
  • To achieve your use case requirement, you will have to implement a workaround, as out of the box solutions are not possible at this time.
  • One option that you can consider is looking into using lambda function invocations. Instead of using a contact center activity. This way, you can invoke a lambda function and store the corresponding data on a data store like DynamoDB. You can then have your application which tracks your concurrency threshold to either process these events and send them to connect campaign or pause processing them till the concurrency comes down.

Thank you for your patience once again, I hope you have a nice day ahead!

answered a year ago

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