AWS EC2 Instance - Without SysPrep


Hi Team,

I want to stop server with EC2 launch setting for AMI creation. I have a command for with sysprep:- EC2Launch.exe sysprep --shutdown=true

But I want to stop server without sysprep. I am unable to command to stop the server without sysprep. Could you please help on it?

Thanks, Anuj

asked 7 months ago382 views
1 Answer

Not sure if this is the kind of solution you are looking for, but see if this helps. SSM Automation is a service that allows customers to configure, deploy and manage their AWS resources at scale, in an automated way by defining runbooks. A runbook is a sequence of tasks that the service performs on behalf of the customers. One of the actions supported by the service is aws:changeInstanceState which allows you to change the state of EC2 instance(s). More info can be found here -

answered 7 months ago
  • Hi,

    This is the normal stop command. I want to stop server with EC2 launch setting using without sys prep.

    I want to create AMI of window server with this process after stopping.

    Thanks, Anuj

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