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Deploying web application to aws greengrass


I am working on a web application for video detection (video uploaded from pc) which run inside a gpu server. Is it possible to apply edge computing by AWS Iot greengrass on the project? Can I deploy the whole project include backend and frontend to AWS greengrass core as a component? How can I do that? Also, is cloud necessary for AWS greengrass? Where should I install the AWS IoT Device SDK?

asked 2 years ago411 views
1 Answer

Hi. Who/where are your web application users? Greengrass really lets you build anything you want, but it may make more sense to keep your backend in the cloud. It's hard to make a recommendation based on the limited information you've provided.

Greengrass could be a good option for ingesting your video stream into the cloud. Take a look at the Edge connector for Kinesis Video Streams.

If you want to process data at the edge, you can take a look at how to build machine learning at the edge using Amazon SageMaker Edge Manager and AWS IoT Greengrass V2

answered 2 years ago
  • The web application itself is already a completed project. I run it on the nvdia gpu server to fulfill the hardware requirement for video detection. The video analyse is done at the backend, so I wonder how could I apply edge computing using greengrass with the least modification of my project.

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