where clause won't work in sql transform in glue


where clause doesn't work in sql transform in glue. any help is appreciated.

asked 2 years ago660 views
1 Answer

We would need more details on what is the issue that you are exactly facing , but check if the below helps you .

In the glue script below note the abc text . The query by itself just uses that literal , whereas in the later section , abc is actually being mapped to the sql table . sparkSqlQuery is a custom function that is written to execute the sql

You can simulate a similar script if you devise just this section of the code in a new visual job.

def sparkSqlQuery(glueContext, query, mapping, transformation_ctx) -> DynamicFrame:
    for alias, frame in mapping.items():
    result = spark.sql(query)
    return DynamicFrame.fromDF(result, glueContext, transformation_ctx)

# Script generated for node SQL
SqlQuery0 = """
year(create_time)          as create_time_year,
month(create_time)         as create_time_month,
count(id)                  as count_of_records 
from abc
create_time is not null 
group by year(create_time),month(create_time)
order by year(create_time),month(create_time)

SQL_node = sparkSqlQuery(
    query              =SqlQuery0,
    mapping            ={"abc": sql_node},
    transformation_ctx ="SQL_node",
answered 2 years ago

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