Will UserArn work for any Alexa device that user will have in future



  1. When UserArn is created (by CreateUser) and the invite is sent (via SendInvitation), I assume that Users can enable the Private skill on all Alexa devices that they have?
  2. Now, what if a device has an issue and they change it, or if User purchase additional devices? For instance, even if all devices belonging to the User at the time of User creation and the initial enabling of the Skill are changed, would the same UserArn still work?
  3. The reasons I'm asking is to ensure whether UserArn can be a UUID for the User no matter what/how-many Alexa devices they will have in future?
asked 5 years ago376 views
3 Answers
Accepted Answer
  1. Yes, mostly but there is a variable part in the userId.
    When a skill disabled and enabled again this userId changes.

  2. The enrollment link is for a single time use. There is also a time limit the link is valid.

answered 5 years ago
  1. Correct. The user enables the private skill for their Alexa account and can then access it on any of their Alexa devices.

  2. The enrolled users subscription is per enrolled user. It doesn't matter how many devices the user has. The skill is enabled for the users' Alexa account.

The userArn is a separate from this and is used to map a users' Alexa account with a specific A4B organization and the email address they are invited on.

  1. You can't specify the userARN yourself, but the userARN won't change.

I hope this demystifies how the enrolled user model works.


answered 5 years ago

Thanks for the clarifications, milo@aws.
Two more follow-up questions:

session['user']['userId'] for A4B private skill is "userId of the users' Alexa account" not the userARN?

  1. I wonder if the invite link is onetime use only, or it could be used multiple times? The person who is receiving the invite via email may enable the skill and then may forward the invite link to others and they may use the same invite link to enable the skill... So, there is a possibility to have a 1-to-many relationship between userARN and userId (Alexa accounts), am I correct?

Because userARN is associated with the invite link (the email address of invitee).


Edited by: AriNm on Nov 13, 2019 10:00 AM

answered 5 years ago

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