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Sync Issues due to patch management using AWS Systems Manager


While we patch the EC2 instances through patch manager; in case of deployments managed by a pipeline on these instances, won't the System Manger workflow cause the version set to be out of sync (which is getting the updates during live from merge too) ?

How do we manage the update versions since the instances are getting updates from 2 sources (Patch Manager as well as pipeline deployment) ?

asked 2 years ago317 views
1 Answer

Patch Manager uses patch baselines, which include rules for auto-approving patches within days of their release, in addition to optional lists of approved and rejected patches. When a patching operation runs, the Patch Manager compares the patches currently applied to a managed node to those that should be applied according to the rules set up in the patch baseline. You can choose for Patch Manager to show you only a report of missing patches (a Scan operation), or you can choose for Patch Manager to automatically install all patches it finds are missing from a managed node (a Scan and install operation). Also, there is Compliance reporting-After a Scan operation, you can use the Systems Manager console to view information about which of your managed nodes are out of patch compliance, and which patches are missing from each of those nodes. You can also generate patch compliance reports in .csv format that are sent to an Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) bucket of your choice. You can generate one-time reports, or generate reports on a regular schedule. Additional info-

answered a year ago

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