I want to add a Redshift table to an existing Redshift database (containing one table) and I want to grant INSERT (to this table) privilege to a Redshift user.
I use CDK and its module @aws-cdk/aws-redshift-alpha. The deployment fails. One of the custom resources automatically deployed by the construct try to grant the privilige. The execution failed. When I read the log of the customer resource, it's seems that the table name provided is the Physical Resource Id and not the table I set up (red rectangle).
The name of the existing table is correct (blue rectangle).
The CDK c
const iotEventTable = new Table(this, "IotEventTable", {
tableColumns: [
{ name: "event", dataType: "varchar(max)" },
{ name: "timestamp", dataType: "varchar(30)" },
{ name: "topic", dataType: "char(100)" }
databaseName: dbName
iotEventTable.grant(user, TableAction.INSERT);
return iotEventTable;
Any idea ?