AWS AppSync X-Ray Java SDK Lambda instrumentation of Neo4J call


I have AppSync application with X-Ray enabled. The AppSync endpoint has an Lambda hander and that lambda is calling Neo4J to get some data. I want to instrument calls to neo4j. How can I do that with Java SDK?

1 Answer

To instrument calls to Neo4j within your Lambda function in an AWS AppSync application with X-Ray enabled, you can use the AWS X-Ray SDK for Java. Here's how you can instrument calls to Neo4j using the Java SDK:

Include X-Ray SDK Dependency: Add the AWS X-Ray SDK for Java dependency to your Lambda function's project.

Initialize X-Ray Client: Initialize the AWS X-Ray client in your Lambda function's code to enable tracing.

Instrument Calls to Neo4j: Surround the code that makes calls to Neo4j with subsegments to trace these calls.

Here's an example of how you can achieve this in Java:

import com.amazonaws.xray.AWSXRay;
import com.amazonaws.xray.entities.Subsegment;

public class MyLambdaHandler {

    public void handleRequest() {
        // Initialize X-Ray client

        // Start a subsegment for Neo4j call
        Subsegment neo4jSubsegment = AWSXRay.beginSubsegment("Neo4jCall");

        try {
            // Code to make calls to Neo4j
            // Example: neo4jClient.executeCypherQuery(query);

            // Mark subsegment as successful if no exceptions are thrown
            neo4jSubsegment.putMetadata("Neo4jQuery", query); // Optionally, add metadata
            neo4jSubsegment.putMetadata("Neo4jResult", result); // Optionally, add metadata
            neo4jSubsegment.setNamespace("remote"); // Optionally, set namespace

        } catch (Exception e) {
            // Mark subsegment as failed in case of exception
        } finally {
            // Close the subsegment

        // Continue with the rest of your Lambda function code

        // Close the segment

Ensure that you have proper error handling to mark the subsegment as failed in case of exceptions. Also, customize metadata and namespaces as needed for better trace visualization in the X-Ray console.

By following this approach, you can instrument calls to Neo4j within your Lambda function and visualize them in the AWS X-Ray console for tracing and debugging purposes.

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answered 6 months ago

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