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AWS workspace client is not connecting


I am using ubuntu bundle and trying to connect with aws workspace using aws workspace client but it shows error "the workspace you are attempting to connect is using WSP , wsp is not supported on this platform"

where is the problem . as i check aws blog for workspace , i can see that they access ubuntu using workspace client.

1 Answer
Accepted Answer

Which WorkSpaces client are you using to connect? If you are using a Linux client, connecting to Ubuntu WorkSpaces using the Linux client is not supported.

You can connect to Ubuntu WorkSpaces using the Windows and macOS client applications, and Web Access. Linux client support is currently not available.

WorkSpaces Linux client application

In the Ubuntu WorkSpaces release blog post, a Windows and web client is used to connect to an Ubuntu WorkSpaces.

Amazon WorkSpaces Introduces Ubuntu Desktops

If none of the above addresses the issue, take a look at the client version and see if using the latest version fixes the issue.

answered 2 years ago
profile pictureAWS
reviewed 2 years ago
  • Is WSP support for Linux clients in the works? This is something that I would love to have.

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