CRASH - EC2 Linux 22.04.4 LTS (Jammy Jellyfish)



I'm facing one strange issue with my ec2 linux ubuntu, sometimes for not reason, my server is crashing, and i can't access it. I have to reboot many times and maybe wait 5mn ... You can take a look to my screenshot, I really need to fix this error ASAP Enter image description here

Thanks, Best regards

asked 2 months ago220 views
1 Answer

The error message you're encountering appears to be related to a known issue reported in Ubuntu's bug tracker. The bug report Bug #2058480 describes a similar problem where newly launched Ubuntu 22.04.4 EC2 instances output "UBSAN: array-index-out-of-bounds in /build/linux-aws-6.5-4tw9h1/linux-aws-6.5-6.5.0/drivers/net/xen-netfront.c:349:9" multiple times, particularly during boot. Keep your system updated and monitor the bug report, you should be able to mitigate or resolve the problem.

answered 15 days ago

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