Why Amazon charges for IPV4 address to specific region?


Hello team,

I knew that Amazon started charges for IPV4 address from this month. But my organization using multiple AWS accounts.

I could see the IPV4 pricing for particular region - Sydney region. Below image is referring one of my AWS account and region Sydney which has more workloads - EC2 instances.

Sydney region - IPV4

If I go and check with Ohio region, I could see billing. But the service name has been changed here. (vpc costs & usage here)

Ohio region - IPV4

If I check with London region, I dont see any billing regarding Public IPV4. There are multiple EC2 instances are running.

London region

I just used cost explorer with duration between 01/feb/2024 and 11/feb/2024 for all accounts. However I can see pricing for some regions and i cant see the same pricing for some accounts with different region.

I would like to know why the cost name has been different that is some account has named PublicIPV4-InUseAddress and some other account has named vpc costs.

Note: I just filter the PublicIPV4:InUseAddress for all the accounts.

Can any one please calrify me that why charges occur for some acount regions and why doesn;t charges for some account regions and why the UsageType name has been different?

1 Answer


Charge on IP v4 addresses have been initiated on Feb 1st 2024 as per https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/aws/new-aws-public-ipv4-address-charge-public-ip-insights/

We are introducing a new charge for public IPv4 addresses. Effective February 1, 2024 t
here will be a charge of $0.005 per IP per hour for all public IPv4 addresses, whether attached 
to a service or not (there is already a charge for public IPv4 addresses you allocate in your account 
but don’t attach to an EC2 instance).


This change applies to all AWS services including Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2), 
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) database instances, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes 
Service (EKS) nodes, and other AWS services that can have a public IPv4 address allocated and
 attached, in all AWS regions (commercial, AWS China, and GovCloud).

It's still very recent: give it a few days to normalized based on text above across all regions and all accounts.



profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago
  • Thanks for your response. I just confused about the unstable pricing for this IPV4. The pricing occurred for some account whereas there is no charges yet in some account. Thats why I blinking about the cost.

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