The security token included in the request is expired


I am using AWS Amplify only to host my flutter website that's on github. I have previously had a project on Amplify with the same name and had first created/provisioned the Amplify managed certificate there. Then I had to delete that project and create a new one with the same name, custom Domain and Amplify managed certificate . Then I am getting that "The security token included in the request is expired" whenever I push new commits and update the website. The site is working fine but I am worried if there is something wrong in the backend that I am not seeing. Please help me with this matter, thank you.

1 Answer

Hi TergelE,

Please try the below steps it will be helpful to you to Resolve your Issue.

Update AWS Credentials: If you are using the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), make sure your credentials are up to date. Run aws configure and enter the new credentials if needed. If you are using temporary credentials (like from an IAM role or AWS Single Sign-On), make sure to refresh them. For AWS SSO, you might need to run aws sso login again.

Clear Cache: Clear any stored data that might be causing issues. This can be browser cache, local storage, or other cached app data related to your old project.

Check Amplify Configuration: Make sure your Amplify project settings are correct. Go to the Amplify Console and review the build settings to ensure everything is set up properly.

Update Environment Variables: If you are using environment variables for AWS credentials in your build settings, make sure they are correct and up to date.

Check Permissions: Ensure the IAM roles and policies associated with your Amplify project have the correct permissions and are not expired.

Check Logs: Go to the AWS Management Console and check the CloudWatch logs for specific error messages related to your deployments.

Validate Domain and SSL: In the Amplify Console, check that your custom domain and SSL certificate are correctly configured.

Re-deploy the App: If nothing else works, try deleting the Amplify app and creating it again from scratch. This ensures no old settings or tokens are carried over.

answered 8 months ago

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