Change this:
Identifier: aws/cdk-deploy@v1
Type: Lambda
To this:
Identifier: aws/cdk-deploy@v1
Type: EC2
If you're working with a Java project that requires bundling with docker
Over the past couple of days I've been diagnosing an issue with a project I started using AWS CodeCatalyst. During the initial setup, the workflow failed at the BackendCDKDeploy workflow step:
In almost every instance of debugging, I received the following error message on the CDK deploy step:
Running command AWS_REGION=us-west-2 cdk diff MyAppStack-u8c2o --fail --context stack_name=MyAppStack-u8c2o
2023-06-25T17:30:28.3659591Z [ERROR] Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:3.0.0:java (default-cli) on project java: An exception occured while executing the Java class. Failed to bundle asset MyAppStack-u8c2o/getTodos/Code/Stage, bundle output is located at /tmp/codecatalyst/output/src112/src/{big hash}/cdk.out/asset.{big hash}-error: Error: spawnSync docker EACCES
After working through a number of different possible solutions, modifying the cdk.json
and stack definitions, I traced the issue to a configuration error in the workflow.
spawnSync docker EACCES
would typically lend itself to an file executable permissions error based on this reference. Though, exhaustively searching the lambda compute instance for a docker executable to update permissions for the run-as user was turning up nothing. Reading through the codecatalyst docs to figure out why this was - The CodeCatalyst default Lambda compute does not come with a docker executable
The EC2 image does come with a docker executable, upon changing the workflow configuration compute for CDKDeploy from Lambda to EC2, the CDKDeploy step started working.