Route 53 domain not showing up in account



I purchased/registered a domain through Route 53 and it never showed up in my Route 53. I got the charge and it is in my billing, but I never got an email stating the progress of the purchase or even a receipt about the purchase. There is no other indications that I purchased this domain except through billing.

I have purchased 3 other domains and had no issues. I also only have 1 member account and my root account, I have checked both and there is no sign of the domain.

How can I resolve this issue? This domain should be in my account somewhere, but I'm not sure how to get to it. Support hasn't been useful on this front and have since stopped responding (more than 24 hours since my last response).

Thanks for any help.

1 Answer

Did you check your spam folder for validation?

answered 2 years ago

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