AWS Media Convert output to S3 - Can i have NO subfolders


I have a workflow based on where i upload a MP4 file to a bucket, it gets converted and put into a folder structure that looks like this <guid>/<OutputGroups/CustomName>/ If i remove the CustomName from the job-settings.json file then its <guid>/AppleHLS1/ or <guid>/FileGroup1/

What i want is all the file group files placed directly in the GUID folder and NOT create a folder under the GUID. Is there a way to override Media Convert wanting to create these sub-folders? I have searched high and low for an answer here.

asked a year ago367 views
1 Answer

Hi, one way to do that (external to MediaConvert) is to use a S3 Lambda activated on file creation in your S3 bucket. This Lambda will move your files to the place that you want in the bucket.

This tutorial shows how to do it:

Best, Didier

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answered a year ago
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reviewed a year ago

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