Incorrect costing for data-pipeline


We have been incurring cost for aws data pipeline in us-east-1 region but there is no data pipeline in that region in our account. We used this method to check datapipeline.

asked 16 days ago53 views
2 Answers


Why not try searching using the Tag editor?

If you can't find anything, I recommend opening a case with AWS Support under "Account and billing".
Inquiries under "Account and billing" can be made free of charge.

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answered 16 days ago
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reviewed 14 days ago
  1. Double check for existing pipelines aws datapipeline list-pipelines --region us-east-1

  2. Check if there are any CloudFormation stacks that might have created Data Pipeline resources: aws cloudformation list-stacks --region us-east-1 --stack-status-filter CREATE_COMPLETE

  3. Review IAM roles: Check if any roles with Data Pipeline permissions have been used recently.

  4. Check CloudTrail Logs: Use AWS CloudTrail to review logs of API calls in the us-east-1 region. Look for any datapipeline related calls: aws cloudtrail lookup-events --lookup-attributes AttributeKey=EventName,AttributeValue=CreatePipeline --region us-east-1

  5. Use the AWS Cost Explorer and detailed billing reports to drill down into the costs associated with Data Pipeline:

    AWS Cost Explorer: Filter costs by service (Data Pipeline) and region (us-east-1) to get a detailed view of what is incurring costs.

    Detailed Billing Report: If Cost Explorer does not provide sufficient detail, you can generate and download the Detailed Billing Report (DBR) from the AWS Billing Console.

profile pictureAWS
answered 16 days ago
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reviewed 14 days ago
  • I found resources in tag editor with region as us-east-1 but whenever I click the resource it redirects me to the same getting started page of the data pipeline.

  • I can also see data pipelines usign aws datapipeline list-pipelines --region us-east-1 but cant see it in ui

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