Issue with access lightsail server because of ssh service.


We have one server in lightsail. The server firewall is enabled after that this issue comes, not able to ssh, I need to stop the server firewall for that I need to access the console. When we click console from aws console it shows timeout. Kindly help us to get the ssh access to server from console. I have opened the firewall ports in AWS but in the server level I need to update the firewall rules for the console access is need. Kindly help to get the console access.

asked 2 years ago336 views
1 Answer

There could be be a few possible issues:

  • Is your instance firewall configured correctly? When SSH'ing from the Lightsail console, Linux instances need TCP port 22 open for SSH to work.
  • Is the instance in a running state? It's also possible that your instance is scheduled for retirement, in which case you'll have received an email about this and you'll need to stop then start your instance (note: rebooting/restarting will not work).
  • Is your instance attached to a static IP? If not and you're using a dynamic IP with an external SSH tool to connect, is it possible that the dynamic IP of your instance has since changed?
  • It's sometimes possible for heavy CPU usage on the instance to prevent SSH connections from happening; please take a look at your instance's CPU metrics to confirm whether this is the case.
answered 2 years ago
  • The OS level firewall is enabled and started after that the ssh access is restricted. I need to get the console of the light sail server. To update the OS level firewall for ssh access.

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