How I reset the EBS:SnapshotUsage offer limit reached to enable my website again, I have 503 error ...


I already deleted the snapshots created every 7 days in EC2, but I cannot enter my website even doing that!, what I have to do!? I just want to restore my website I deleted all snapshots already.

asked a month ago152 views
2 Answers
Accepted Answer


Snapshots and the website inaccessibility issue are not related, so deleting the snapshot will not resolve the issue.
Have you checked the web server or application error logs?
Also, isn't the CPU usage rate high?
Depending on the instance type you are using, it may stop working even if the CPU usage is slightly high.
If you are using t2 instances, etc., it is possible that CPU credits are being consumed, so you may want to check CloudWatch.

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answered a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
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reviewed a month ago
  • Yeah, deleting the snapshots didnt resolve the issue, also all security inbounds rules are disabled cannot connect to anything even witht he instance running! ... What you recommend mate, Im so frustrated, I took a lot of time to put this running last weeks. I stopped the instance and change the instance type to t3a.large ... which one do you recommend for a small bussiness!?

    Have you checked the web server or application error logs? Not yet

    Also, isn't the CPU usage rate high? How I know!


  • Since you won't be able to connect anything unless you allow the necessary port number for the security group's inbound rules, why not change it to only allow your IP address? I think "t3a.large" is an instance type that can handle a certain amount of load, but perhaps its specs are still insufficient. Also, check the instance system logs. You won't know for sure unless you look at the logs, but I think it would be a good idea to check if you don't have enough storage space.

  • Changing the instance type made the trick mate ... thanks a lot is alive again! thanks for your help mate! blessings


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I have this alarm .... ................... ???

answered a month ago

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