Seeking Advice on Serverless Architecture for an AI Chat App with Flutter Frontend


Hi everyone,

I'm working on an independent AI chat app project. The frontend is built with Flutter, and the client-server communication is done via WebSocket. Since this is a solo project, I want to reduce backend maintenance by going serverless. However, I'm not familiar with serverless architecture and am unsure what an ideal serverless setup for a chat app should look like.

Could anyone suggest a serverless architecture suitable for a chat app? Also, if you have any recommendations for good tutorials or resources on serverless architecture, I'd greatly appreciate it.

One more question: Does using serverless actually reduce the overall workload?

Thanks in advance!

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asked 2 months ago82 views
1 Answer

Using serverless services for the back end of your chat application will reduce the amount of time you spend managing servers, as AWS does that work for you. How much the 'overall workload' is reduced will depend on a number of factors, but I find that using serverless services saves me time.

To get you started, this tutorial covers creating a simple WebSocket based chat app using AWS API Gateway, Lambda and DynamoDB, which are all serverless services:

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answered 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago
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reviewed 2 months ago

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