Guidance on Amazon Connect API for Agent Authentication


I am currently working on an integration project involving agents operating from third-party websites. I have been unable to locate any endpoints or mechanisms within the Amazon Connect APIs that would allow for the authentication of these agents.

Upon reviewing the Amazon Connect API, I discovered that it only offers endpoints (such as CreateParticipant and CreateParticipantConnection) for creating new participants in an ongoing chat. Notably, the role that can be assigned to these participants is limited to CUSTOM_BOT rather than AGENT. This suggests that the Amazon Connect API restricts the creation or inclusion of participants as agents from the server side.

The same functionality can be achieved in the browser using Amazon Connect Streams and the Amazon Connect ChatJS JavaScript client-side libraries.

Are there any mechanisms within the Amazon Connect API to authenticate agents from the server side?

asked 2 months ago123 views
2 Answers

Hi Aman,

Thank you for raising the question. I understand that you need guidance on Amazon Connect API to authenticate agents from the server side.

Authentication is handled by Amazon Connect in the both the scenarios in custom CCP as or default CCP. However, I did not fully understand your use case here. I would suggest you to raise the technical support case alongwith your detailed use case with us using below link so we can assist you in-depth and provide you better workaround is needed,


answered 2 months ago
  • Thanks. I want to use Amazon Connect API to authenticate the Amazon Connect agents from the server side.

    Does the Amazon Connect API provide such capabilities besides the Amazon Connect Streams, which is client-side integration?


If you're looking for agent authentication NOT using streams, no there's nothing out there like that. You must embed streams into your app in order to have the Connect authentication.


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answered 2 months ago

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