Run CodeBuild tests that are NOT marked.


I have a CodeBuild build project with a build spec that instantiates tests as follows:

1: pytest --headless --tenant=localhost -n 1 --key=PARITYTEST --junitxml=reports/results_parity.xml

This will only run tests with a test marked with key "PARITYTEST" and works as advertised. I have another build project that is as follows:

2: pytest --headless --tenant=localhost -n 6 --junitxml=reports/results.xml

The issue is option "2:" test suite runs all tests even with the ones that are marked with "PARITYTEST" is there any way to not do this? I have searched through the documentation and have not found a solution.



asked 2 years ago323 views
1 Answer

According to the PyTest documentation here: you can choose both select a key or exclude it, based on markers, metadata or test names.

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answered 2 years ago

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