Ingestion data set for lookout for equip.



I'm faced with a problem of ingesting a set of data from a spectrometer.

here the first row and the second row:

Timestamp,Wavelength_350,Wavelength_400,Wavelength_450,Wavelength_500,Wavelength_550,Wavelength_600,Wavelength_650,Wavelength_700,Background_Noise,Operational_Temperature,Signal_Strength 01.01.2020 00:00,102.48357076505616,100.49652977873409,99.36079110616497,96.64418220101508,108.95818876179904,105.11174549899866,95.37292398488547,103.4944160645122,1.3402279475835617,24.81630363881453,45.87300559975064

asked 2 months ago49 views
1 Answer

Hi Cyril, can you share what problems you're facing with ingesting data with Lookout for Equipment? These details can include, text on the error message, whether you where ingesting one or multiple CSV files, is this your first dataset being added to a project etc.

Your first two rows look to be valid CSV but the timestamp is not supported, look at this page in the documentation for valid timestamp formats.

answered 2 months ago

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