Firehose Ordering


Does Firehose guaranties ordering of data in which I have sent?

I am using batch record put (direct put to firehose) from python and converting record to parquet and writing to s3 bucket using dynamic partitioning. Need confirmation on sort order, will it be same or will be changed?

asked 2 months ago102 views
2 Answers

Amazon firehose doesn't guarantee strict ordering of records. If it's essential for your use case, consider handling it at your application level or use in conjunction with Kinesis Data Stream. Refer Amazon Data Firehose Data Delivery for more details.

Hope it helps, comment here if you have additional questions.

Happy to assist.


profile pictureAWS
answered 2 months ago

While doing POC with put record order is maintained but while doing it with put order batch order is not maintained. If I use input from Kinesis data stream will order be maintained?

answered 2 months ago

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