Error Adding Queues to Amazon Connect Routing Profile


I'm experiencing an issue when adding queues to my Amazon Connect routing profile. While some queues are added successfully, others cause an error when saving the profile.

Can anyone suggest why this might be happening?

asked 17 days ago34 views
2 Answers

I'm afraid I don't have enough context to provide a specific solution for the error you're encountering when adding queues in routing profile Amazon Connect.

Having said that, please note that the default quota for Queues per routing profile per instance is 50. This quota refers to the number of queue/channel combinations per routing profile. For example, there are two queues, but there are three queue-channel combinations: Escalation queue Voice, Escalation queue Chat, and BasicQueue Voice. This counts as three towards the service limit of 50. Please refer below document:


In the case of tagged queues, you would not be able to see those queues while assigning them to a routing profile, so there will be no error. Please share the context of what you are trying to do and the error you are facing so I can assist you further.

Also, in case your issue involves specific resources and needs to be investigated, please feel free to reach out to AWS Support for resource-specific troubleshooting.

answered 17 days ago
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reviewed 16 days ago

Are you adding them via the console or API or CLI? What error are you getting?


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answered 16 days ago

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