Email changed without my permission


Hi all, about 3 hours ago I received email that my account was possibly compromised, I immediately tried to log in but there was an error saying that there is no account associated with my email address. It was and is still possible to access my Amazon shopping account but AWS was compromised.

I emailed to abuse@ , created a new account which I also upgraded to business support level and submitted a case with high priority about this problem. I even provided some details from invoice which I received yesterday as a further proof of account ownership.

I'm afraid that attacker might have already racked up some fees on my EC2 or other services, and its already been quite some time and yet my support request is still shows as 'Unassigned' even though I should receive priority 1 hours replies since I'm on business support plan? no?

How come there is no communication between Amazon shopping support and AWS support? I still have access to shopping account this should serve as a proof no problem. How come there is NO email CONFIRMATION to change ROOT email address? Are you kidding me? Surely this is not that hard to implement and it will relieve AWS team of many such cases of stolen accounts and need for billing to waive fees from hacker-started instances and other services?

If I am missing something here I would appreciate any help. Thanks!

asked a year ago302 views
1 Answer

Thank you for reaching out to us. In order to assist you better, we need some confidential information from you I.e. non-public information. The best way to share this information is by creating a support case with AWS from your new AWS account. You can do this by following this link

answered a year ago

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