What is the expected upload bandwidth for a Lightsail instance?


I have a php application running on a Lightsail instance that provides an upload mechanism for a client and then sends the file to S3 for storage before deleting the local copy. In testing I have seen wildly different upload speeds to the Lightsail instance, and the longer the tail of the upload the more the speed appears to be throttled. What is the expected upload bandwidth for a Lightsail instance? How can I tell if I'm being throttled, and will a larger instance size change this? I can't find any documentation about Lightsail network bandwith.

asked 6 months ago216 views
2 Answers


I found the similar inquiry, in summary,

The network performance of Lightsail instances is predetermined based on the instance plan you choose.

I hope it will help you.

Also, I'm not sure this Knowledge is fit your situation but let me share it, please check if this Knowledge is fit in this case. https://repost.aws/knowledge-center/lightsail-bitnami-wordpress-upload-limit

answered 6 months ago
  • What is the predetermination? What can I reasonably expect the upload and download bandwidth to be?


Do you check the files or process them in any way? If not, you may be able to upload files directly from your customer's browser to S3 using a pre-signed URL.

On the newest instance types (created after June 29, 2023) you can expect up to 5 Gbps in network transfer speed (though disk write speeds can also affect upload speeds). Keep in mind that your ISP, other people on your network, the distance between your network and your Lightsail instance can all affect transfer speeds at each step along the way. Make sure you've chosen the Lightsail region closest to you and your customers to reduce the network latency.

answered 6 months ago

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