Regarding Amazon Textract big file process


I want to use Amazon Textract process my PDF file. My file have lot of images so file size expecting 50MB to 300MB what is the max file size I can process use Amazon Textract?. One more question also If Amazon Textract not support MS Word(doc,docx format) how to process those file , Do I need to convert to PDF and process ? Please advise Thanks in advance

asked 2 years ago1270 views
2 Answers

You can find the Textract limits on the AWS documentation

For PDF the limits are 10MB and 1 page for synchronous operations. 500MB and 3000 pages for asynchronous operations.

About MS Word... are you sure that you need and OCR? You can access directly to the text of doc and docx files without using a OCR.

answered 2 years ago
  • Correction: It is actually 1 page for synchronous operations, not 10. Some customers benefit from the Tables, Forms or Queries features even for Word documents or use the OCR geometry information. You can convert to PDF and then run against Textract.

  • Thanks @Martin Schade AWS fixed.


Thanks for quick response. As per my understanding only single page PDF we can go for synchronous operations. More than one page PDF we need to go for asynchronous irrespective of file size. Is it correct? Please advise

answered 2 years ago

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