Steps to Migrate Ruby on Rails App from x86 Ubuntu EC2 to Graviton Instance


I need detailed steps to migrate my Ruby on Rails application from an x86_64 Ubuntu EC2 instance to a Graviton-based instance. Specifically, I need guidance on how to verify compatibility of the Rails app and its dependencies with the ARM architecture, any preparatory steps needed on the current x86_64 environment, and detailed instructions to move the Rails app to the Graviton instance, including any necessary configuration changes. Additionally, I seek advice on testing the Rails app on the Graviton instance to ensure smooth operation and any performance optimizations or considerations specific to running on Graviton. Any pointers or documentation on this migration process would be very helpful. Thank you!

asked 25 days ago95 views
1 Answer

This is not an answer to your question but it still may be interesting for you. There is a tool

It is a command line tool that analyzes source code for known code patterns and dependency libraries. It then generates a report with any incompatibilities with our Graviton processors.

Unfortunately, it does not support Ruby. Maybe you will find something similar for your case

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answered 25 days ago
  • Thanks Oleksii. I had checked this tool and found that it doesn't support Ruby and thus was looking if somone might have tried this kind of migration and what they might have used.

    I am still looking if anyone has an idea on how to check whether it is possible to make the change to Graviton.

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