Are there any recommended behaviors for Woocoommrce?


Hi all.

I have completed a Cloudfront integration with WordPress using and this post as a reference.

The website is working perfectly, but I would like to know if there are any recommended behaviors for Woocommerce.

Thank you.

asked a year ago241 views
1 Answer

There are some common practices while using CloudFront.

  • DONOT apply any change on your production environment before you do understand what you are doing.

If you could understand the followings, you may take them into consideration.

  1. Remember to enable the standard logs.
  2. Analyze the access log with the tools you like, for example, Athena, Excel or your own script tool. (Python, awk, or simply 'grep')
  3. Apply WAF to restrict the access to the CMS(content management system, or the 'console' ) of your website.
  4. You may enable the 'additional metrics' to have a better visibility in how CF and your wordpress works.
  5. Arrange someone to check the information/output from the 1, 2, 4 above. Also, ask him to check the 'Console Report', too.

You may find out something useful after doing the above.

profile pictureAWS
answered a year ago

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