Zeppelin is not printing a Flink DataStream


I'm running this code in a Zeppelin notebook (via Kinesis Analytics Studio), and it is not printing anything:

env.fromElements("a", "b", "c").print()
1 Answer

If you are using %flink.pyflink or %flink as your interpreters, you will need to use the ZeppelinContext to visualize the results within the notebook.

// create a DataStream
val dataStream = senv.fromElements("Alice", "Bob", "John")

// interpret the insert-only DataStream as a Table
val inputTable = stenv.fromDataStream(dataStream)

z.show(inputTable, streamType="update")

For more PyFlink specific examples, see Query your data streams interactively using Kinesis Data Analytics Studio and Python.

profile pictureAWS
answered 2 years ago

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