AWS unable to enable S3 replication? - case ongoing for almost 2 months


I have S3 buckets with object lock enabled for the buckets. Because of that AWs Support needs to enable them for replication. I put that request in on July 18 this year, and it's still being worked on, almost two months later!! I don't even get any meaningful information what the issue is. Is that the general experience with AWS? To me that's just exceedingly poor customer service.

This is a well-advertised feature so it seems surprising to me that this is taking so long.

asked 3 years ago251 views
4 Answers

seems the answer is clear to my question is clear... so everyone should be aware of the service restrictions for S3!!

answered 3 years ago

My support ticket has now been open for 72 days, and STILL no resolution from AWS. On a feature that is supported and documented!

answered 3 years ago


I am so sorry for any frustration caused and thank you for your patience, as this is not the experience we aim for. I have located your case and see it's been recently updated. Please check our Support Center for a response from us:

Since we're unable to discuss case specifics on this platform, please continue to collaborate with our Support team via your case with any additional questions or concerns you may have.

Best regards,

Kita B.

profile pictureAWS
answered 3 years ago

Hello Kita,

yes, my problem has finally been solved!! I am not sure why it took this long. But this now has simplified a lot of things on my end, and I am grateful that finally there is a solution.

answered 3 years ago

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